Page 3940 - Week 13 - Thursday, 17 October 1991

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across the board. In contrast, my budget kept the municipal rates overall to the level of the CPI. I really think that Mr Kaine's duplicity is exposed by his very own remarks.

Of course, he also referred to consultation with the business community. It is a fact that I held consultations with CARD - and there was more than one such meeting, Mr Kaine, it might surprise you to know. It is also a fact that CARD's budget submission contained a proposition to establish a consultative mechanism, which I have now implemented. I have taken up that suggestion from CARD. Of course, neither Mr Kaine nor CARD itself would ever give me any public credit for that; but it is, in fact, the case. I saw the merit of CARD's argument, took it on board and have done something about it - which is more than Mr Kaine ever did.

I also, of course, in framing my budget, met with other groups, particularly representatives of the liquor industry, who, under the Kaine regime, were threatened with going broke because of the way that the Kaine Government had intended to implement the quarterly payments system. I met with them and was able to reach an agreement with them on a much more fair and just method of achieving just the same outcome. I also, of course, have had meetings with representatives of the computer industry over its payroll tax arrangements. It is the case that I am able to meet that industry's concerns and adjust that tax regime to reduce the impact on that sector of industry. Mr Kaine did not do any of that - either when he was in government or since. He really is talking through his hat.

Mr Kaine, in what I can only refer to as a totally masochistic manoeuvre, referred to the health budget. What a blunder! Mr Kaine it was who presided over a blow-out in the health budget of $17m, and who allowed his struggling Minister to continue in virtual ignorance of even what the health system's budget contained, let alone how they were attempting to meet it. Mr Kaine it was who continually had to prop up the health budget because of his Minister's and his Government's total inability to control it.

By contrast, I require that the health area live within its means, like every other area. I have set it a budget which I expect it to manage. Mr Kaine made no such expectations at any point while he was in government. He allowed that budget to blow out and to become totally uncontrolled, and he handed over to me in government the mess that resulted. He really has a disgraceful record in the area of health budgeting.

He also, of course, referred to the issue of jobs. Mr Kaine it was who made the pronouncement that he would reduce the ACT Government Service by 3,000. He did not say where or how, or how that might be reflected in budget terms; he would just reduce it by 3,000, presumably with a stroke of the wand. But, of course, what we saw was the

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