Page 3910 - Week 13 - Thursday, 17 October 1991

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I call on members to oppose the action taken by Mr Moore. I think it should be opposed, although not on grounds that members in any way support the consumption of tobacco or sponsorship by particular tobacco companies, or that they support tobacco companies. This is a legitimate exemption that was made in circumstances provided for in the legislation supported by members of this house. That is what this is about. It is an exemption that was given unwillingly. It is an exemption that was given with regret. Nevertheless, it is an exemption that was given in accordance with the legislation to provide for high profile sports that travel to this Territory with sponsorship that is sourced away from here.

As I have said to the ACT Cricket Association, there is no doubt that this is a deliberate attempt to circumvent national media advertising bans and a cynical exploitation of sportsmen and sportswomen to encourage young people to smoke and to encourage those that continue to smoke to buy more cigarettes. We will work, while ever we have the opportunity to do so, to reduce the amount of tobacco advertising and sponsorship in the Territory. Our record in office is good. We will move quickly to do something about this.

I congratulate the Alliance Government for supporting the initial moves that were taken by Labor and further developing those. I can say to this Assembly that we will work to improve the position in relation to tobacco consumption in the Territory. It is a staged process - we have to accept that - and we will continue to work for it; but I urge members to oppose the motion of Mr Moore.

MR HUMPHRIES (12.02): Let us be perfectly - - -

Mr Jensen: I thought I was up first, but never mind.

MR HUMPHRIES: I will not take too long. I am sure that there will be plenty of time for other speakers. I want to make it quite clear that any occasion where an exemption has to be granted under the legislation put through the Assembly last year by the Alliance Government is an occasion for regret, and one where we would have to say that in one small way or other the thrust and spirit of that legislation to create the best anti-smoking, anti-tobacco environment in the country is being compromised. Obviously, we regret any occasion where that has to occur.

Let us be quite clear: Sponsorship of sporting, cultural or other events by tobacco companies is advertising, pure and simple, nothing less. I agree with the comments made by Mr Berry that events such as the Prime Minister's XI cricket match which are sponsored by tobacco companies are nothing more than a cynical exercise by those tobacco companies to exploit sports men and women to promote their cause, to promote the product they are trying to sell.

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