Page 3903 - Week 13 - Thursday, 17 October 1991

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Tobacco is still a legal product. There are no moves to make it illegal, and the proponents of anti-smoking have a long way to go before they see a very large light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel: We can all be heartened by the fact that the number of Australians smoking now is exactly the same as it was close on 45 years ago. So, the educative campaign is helping.

To sum up, whilst the Liberal Party has a lot of sympathy for Mr Moore's motion, as we were the major party in the Government that introduced the amendments to the Tobacco Act last year, we will not be supporting his motion and, along with the Government, as I understand it, will be objecting to it.

DR KINLOCH (11.36): I applaud Mr Moore's sentiments and his motion and I see no reason why it cannot be supported. I heard Mr Moore say that he does not have the numbers. I do not know why that should be. Presumably, no-one here wishes to see an association between healthy sport and smoking. Put your hand up for that. Vote for that. It is as simple as that.

Mr Berry: You voted for this sort of thing to happen. That is why it is happening.

DR KINLOCH: Not me; I did not. Mr Moore is doing what is obviously the right thing, and all of us can now do the right thing to remove any positive imaging between a healthy sport and the consumption of tobacco products. If, inadvertently, I was caught up in any kind of legislation in the past, I deeply regret it and I apologise for it. I cannot remember what that was, but I assure you that I am now standing up for Mr Moore's motion. I hope that we can ban the advertising of these tobacco products in connection with any healthy sport.

Mr Berry: You voted for the exemptions. Heavens above!

DR KINLOCH: Mr Berry, please. I am not here advocating the banning of a product. Tobacco companies can continue to sell their product. I would argue, if we are thinking of sport, that it is entirely proper that a tobacco company should sponsor a sport such as motor racing. I am not opposed to the sponsorship by tobacco or liquor companies of a sport such as motor racing, which is itself of dubious merit.

Mr Berry: Oh!

DR KINLOCH: Hear me. Have an open mind on this. It is a sport which makes excessive use of scarce fossil fuels; it is a sport which is surrounded by noxious fumes; and, above all, it is a sport which is dangerous to life and limb. I think it entirely appropriate that a tobacco company should sponsor it. May they live in peace together.

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