Page 3873 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 16 October 1991

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more about the day surgery matter, which we tried to get in the Estimates Committee. I want to hear on-the-ground evidence on this matter. I do not want to hear political sniping from either side. It must come down to trying to answer these questions.

The point was also made that there is nothing anyone can do about it, that if the report is produced on 12 December it is too late. I do not agree with that. The investigative process itself is worthwhile. There will be an outcome of some kind. That outcome becomes a matter of public interest and publicity; so, that could be the benefit of it. I surely do not believe that we should close down this Assembly merely because we are close to 12 December.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health and Minister for Sport) (5.19): Mr Speaker, I rise to speak on the amendments. I draw attention to a speech by Mr Humphries on 29 November 1990. He talked about the functions of the board being in accordance with its primary objectives, and he listed them as follows:

to provide health services for the residents of the ACT and, as appropriate, for residents of the surrounding region; to manage health services and health facilities under its control; to provide for the planning and evaluation of health services, including services provided by the public and non-government sectors; to provide for the appropriate training and education of persons providing health services; to make available to the public reports, information and advice concerning the health of the community and the health services available.

Much was said throughout that debate about the intended independence of the board in relation to the management of the hospital system in the Australian Capital Territory. That is the position that exists today, and it exposes the nonsense of the motion and of some of the amendments that have been proposed.

It is very interesting that it is suggested that this select committee inquire into somebody's proposed reduction in bed numbers - in the present tense. There are no proposed numbers of bed reductions at the moment. Mr Humphries knows it; Mr Jensen knows it, because he is the chairman of the committee that investigated these matters and took evidence in relation to hospital performance. A management strategy has been put forward by the Board of Health about the delivery of health services in the Territory.

This is merely a grandstanding exercise by Mr Humphries. It will do him no good. He will get the same evidence he got in the Estimates Committee if he asks the same questions, and I doubt that he will ask anything different. He has exhausted all his energy in respect of hospitals,

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