Page 3869 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 16 October 1991

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I would accept an amendment which removed the word "Government's". I would not object to that, but I think it would be unreasonable in the extreme to lump that on the Board of Health. It is not simply the Board of Health's responsibility; it is the Government's in at least equal part.

I consider that the Minister gives only part of the truth when he lays the blame on the Board of Health. The fact of life is that the Minister has to accept that he lays down the rules under which the Board of Health operates. He is the man who sets the terms of operation. He is the man who lays down the budget. He is the man who ultimately makes the Board of Health answerable to him. That is the situation.

Mr Berry does not like that. He wants to be able to blame the board. He wants to be able to shift the blame away from the Government, particularly when he knows that there is a risk that in a few months' time we will be facing the same sorts of problems that have beset different governments over the last two years. That is a matter of the most profound regret.

Mr Berry, sensible to the damage done to both former governments, would like to be able to distance himself from the damage that has been inflicted by those budget blow-outs. That may be the case; he may wish to do so. But he cannot avoid his responsibilities under the legislation. Quite clearly, his responsibilities extend to ensuring that the board operates properly and within the terms of government policy. He cannot and will not be allowed by this Assembly to get away with the concept of blaming the board for decisions that are basically the responsibility of his Government.

Let us be clear about something. The board would not be cutting bed numbers if its budget had not been reduced. It is that decision, and that decision alone, which has led the board to take this step in order to comply with the Government's policy. It is quite unreasonable, in those terms, to expect the board now to wear all the blame if that decision leads to suffering and hardship within the system, and ultimately, because it cannot be done, to a further blow-out in the health budget. I do not support this amendment; but I would support a modification of the amendment to take out the words "substitute 'Board of Health's".

MR MOORE (5.06): I think the debate on the amendment moved by Mr Connolly is really about political point-scoring. I would certainly prefer to take a less churlish approach and accept Mr Connolly's amendment. I think the task of the select committee is much more important. I indicate that I will support the establishment of this select committee.

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