Page 3829 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 16 October 1991

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MR BERRY (Deputy Chief Minister), by leave: I will withdraw the motion.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.

MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (3.08): Mr Speaker, I would like to comment on Mr Berry's motion.

Mr Berry: It is withdrawn.

MR KAINE: I still wish to comment on it.

MR SPEAKER: Seek leave to make a statement.

MR KAINE: I seek leave to do so.

Leave not granted.

MR KAINE: I move:

That so much of standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent Mr Kaine from making a statement on this matter.

Question resolved in the affirmative, with the concurrence of an absolute majority.

MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (3.09): I very much appreciate the support of members on this matter. It is all very well for Mr Berry to jump to his feet and try to manipulate private members' business.

Ms Follett: It is government business.

MR KAINE: It is not government business; it is private members' business. It is a motion on the notice paper from Mr Moore in private members' time.

Mr Moore: It is the Government's responsibility to bring it on.

MR KAINE: I would submit that it is private members' business, and the Administration and Procedures Committee determines when private members' business comes up. This matter has not been considered by that committee, and Mr Berry attempts to bring this matter on to suit his convenience. I partly, but not totally, agree with Mr Moore that it is totally improper for the Government, on a few minutes' notice, to try to bring the matter on when nobody knew that it was going to be brought on; nobody was prepared for it and nobody can properly debate it.

Mr Berry: At the first sign of a complaint it was withdrawn, Trevor.

MR KAINE: Okay; but it might have been wiser if you had talked to people before we got on the floor of the house.

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