Page 3778 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 16 October 1991

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I am sure that it is inevitable that we will see political points of view come across, from time to time, on any broadcasting of any kind. It might not be so apparent with commercial radio stations; but, of course, it is very much the case that, in any broadcasting, when any person speaks into a microphone there is naturally some political element in what they say in certain circumstances. Equally, in the present context, for example, where we have Croatian or Serbian programs being broadcast, it is inevitable that there will be a large element of political content.

So, rather than pretend that these things are not there and trying to neutralise them, one ought to be prepared to acknowledge them and strike some balance. For that reason, I can see that the balance presently obtained at 2XX is probably not appropriate for some organisations and that they would well benefit from having a separation of those two roles. Therefore, the motion itself - whether it will be amended or not I could not say - will certainly be supported by most members of this Assembly.

Question put:

That the amendment (Mr Jensen's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 5  NOES, 11 

Mr Collaery Mr Berry
Mr Jensen Mr Connolly
Dr Kinloch Ms Follett
Ms Maher Mrs Grassby
Mr Stevenson Mr Humphries
 Mr Kaine
 Mr Moore
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

MRS GRASSBY (10.57), by leave: I move:

After "supports" insert "as a priority".

In moving this amendment, I point out that I am not against Mr Jensen's proposition; I think that it was a very good one. The point is that I did not want it tagged onto a very important motion which I understood the whole house was going to vote for and could be, I felt, congratulated for doing so. I think his proposition should be a separate motion. I think it is a priority that ethnic radio be granted a licence; they have waited a long time for this.

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