Page 3691 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 15 October 1991

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proposed in one of the amendments is that a member of his former party be on the committee, but not Mr Moore. It seems to me that that would present a problem for Mr Moore. I am glad that he has returned.

Another issue has arisen flowing from the amendment proposed by Mr Stevenson. Leave has been granted by the Assembly for its consideration. He refers to a committee of the whole, which is a common term. The difficulty, I am informed, is that "committee of the whole" means Ministers as well. There is no intention that Ministers would avail themselves of the opportunity, but it presents a problem as far as the traditions of this Assembly and other parliamentary processes are concerned. That is an issue we will have to take on board in respect of Mr Stevenson's amendment.

It seems, as well, that we are faced with something of a deadline. At the rising of this Assembly the Administration and Procedures Committee wants to meet, and I suspect that members opposite wish to have the matter settled before that meeting. So, we are in a bit of a quandary. I think some sense could come out of discussion between the parties. Quite frankly, I would not like to stand on a position in relation to this matter which prevents anybody from having access to the Administration and Procedures Committee.

Mr Kaine: They have not had it up until now. What has changed?

MR BERRY: The Leader of the Opposition says that they have not had it up until now. The structure of the Opposition in the Assembly has changed significantly. We have several different parties now. I counted them up a moment ago at eight, and there is a possibility that there could be more.

Mr Kaine: But not all the individuals have been represented on the committee for 2 years.

MR BERRY: That is true, but the circumstances have changed. There has been a change in government and there has been a change in the nature of the parties.

Mr Duby: What about the first seven months? They were not represented then.

MR BERRY: But that is not to say that they should not be represented now. I take on board what the Leader of the Opposition has said in relation to all the other committees. I do not think this committee of all the non-executive members could be considered in anything like the same light as those other committees. I think it is an entirely different issue.

Mr Kaine: This is going to be worse than the Alliance joint party room meeting.

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