Page 3688 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 15 October 1991

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MR HUMPHRIES: I apologise to Mrs Nolan that our new party Whip did not inform her that this was going to come. That was supposed to happen. We have to strike some balance here, and I suggest that this is the best balance. If any better balance can be established, I look forward to seeing what it is; but I doubt that any better one can be established.

MR STEVENSON (4.26): Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I wish to move an amendment to the motion. I suggest that the words after "amended by omitting" be deleted and replaced by "a committee of the whole".

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: The amendment must be submitted in writing, Mr Stevenson. Is that what you are doing?

MR STEVENSON: Yes. I commended the Labor Party in this Assembly for the opportunity for the budget Estimates Committee to be a committee of the whole. It really was an excellent idea, and it is unfortunate that it was not continued by the Alliance when they were in power.

Mr Kaine: And it has not worked, either, as you know. There have never been more than five members there.

MR STEVENSON: The whole point about it working or not working is that when members wish to attend on various matters they can. Not only can they attend, but they can have a valid say in the final evaluation of data and have a final input into the report. I think that is the major benefit for the budget estimates committees that were formed under the ALP.

If we make this a committee of the whole, with a quorum being five people, it will allow members of the Assembly, when they wish to attend, to do so, as is the case at the moment with the budget Estimates Committee. There are nine parties already in this Assembly - or is it eight? With the number of parties fluctuating from time to time, perhaps it is fair that all parties have an opportunity to attend what is a very important committee - a committee that decides what will be debated in this Assembly.

I commend this amendment to the house. It will allow Mr Collaery to be on the committee. It will also allow Mr Stefaniak, Mrs Nolan, me and Mr Moore, even though he is not here at the moment, to be on the committee. Mr Moore will be very pleased to know, when he comes back, that we have moved that the Administration and Procedures Committee include Mr Moore at the times when he feels that it is important and when he wants to talk. I was happy to agree with the motion moved by Mr Jensen. If a member of the Assembly wants to be on a committee, he or she should be allowed to be on it. However, there are many members who want to have a valid say in this most important committee.

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