Page 3685 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 15 October 1991

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consideration by members, although I suspect that members opposite want to set in train a process which enables different members to be on the Administration and Procedures Committee tonight.

One of the major difficulties in managing these sorts of things in the Assembly is that we now have eight parties, and it looks as though there is a chance that that might - - -

Mr Stevenson: "At present", you should always add.

MR BERRY: Yes, at present. I am in some difficulty about working out where we are headed on this matter. If you are going to have an Administration and Procedures Committee that represents generally members of the Opposition and non-government members, then it seems to me that it is fast approaching the time when this committee too becomes a committee of the whole. I am not sure that members opposite want to lumber themselves with a committee of that size, but it is a matter which deals with private members' business. Whilst the Government would not want to interfere with the process by which members opposite decide how they want to deal with private members' business, logic suggests to me that it might need to be opened up.

I patiently await Mr Moore's return because I expect that he would want to have something to say about this matter, which I am sure will affect the way his business is dealt with in the Assembly in future. It seems likely, from the rumour mill, that Mrs Nolan will be given the chop.

Mrs Nolan: The motion is now on the table.

MR BERRY: I had better read that. I am a little concerned that there is not adequate time for people to debate the issue. I am informed that Mr Moore is out of the building, so he has had no notice that these matters would be moved by leave. I think it would be unfair in the extreme if we were to proceed much beyond this point without him being involved in the process. I suppose that that ought to have been dealt with at the time of the request for leave by Mr Jensen, but I am sure he would have felt that it was a serious rebuff if leave had not been granted. I think it would be appropriate for me to move the adjournment of this matter.

MADAM TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Berry, you cannot; you have already spoken.

MR BERRY: I am told that it is inappropriate, and that is fair enough. But I think somebody ought to move the adjournment, because we really need to make sure that all members are informed properly on these matters.

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