Page 3537 - Week 12 - Thursday, 19 September 1991

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moderate behavioural difficulties". On page 62 of Budget Paper No. 2, that same program, "Provision of a Structured Day Program for Moderately Behaviourally Disturbed Adolescents", in this particular year, has a funding allocation of $100,000 and, I presume, in a full year $170,000. Can he please explain the discrepancy between these two budget papers?

MR CONNOLLY: I thank Mr Duby for his question. I will have to take that question on notice. The amount that has been allocated in terms of the budget is $100,000, and $170,000 for a full year.

Mr Kaine: They are rubbery like the rest of the budgetary figures. That is the explanation. You make them up as you go along.

MR CONNOLLY: I hear the former and failed Treasurer muttering away there. The final test of a budget, of course, is the bottom line, and the bottom line of yours was a $6m blow-out. But, Mr Duby, I will examine - - -

Mr Kaine: And yours is $6m in deficit before you start, if you read your own budget papers carefully; $6m was withdrawn from reserves to balance it.

MR CONNOLLY: The former and failed Treasurer continues to mutter darkly; but, as Ms Follett demonstrated, we had to - - -

Members interjected.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Order, members! Let him finish.

MR CONNOLLY: Yes, I would have thought that was appropriate. The former and failed Treasurer's $6m budget blow-out is the testament to his stewardship. I will examine this with my officers and the Treasurer's officers; but, as I understand it, the figure that is to be spent in this year is $100,000 and in a full year $170,000. It may well have been that $210,000 was an earlier bid for the full funding and that it was reduced as things went through.

Mr Collaery: No, it was not. We allocated that money.

MR CONNOLLY: Well, now, this is the former and failed welfare Minister. This is Mr Six Million Dollars, Mr Acting Speaker. This is the man who has that extraordinary list that was attached - - -

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Order, Mr Connolly! I think you are answering Mr Duby's question, not Mr Collaery's.

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