Page 3520 - Week 12 - Thursday, 19 September 1991

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Mr Moore: I raise a point of order. Mr Acting Speaker, on the previous occasion, in breach of standing order 44, you set a precedent that the second member to their feet was the one that should get the call. I was wondering why I did not get the call on this particular piece of legislation, since you had set the precedent that the second person to their feet should get the call.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Firstly, Mr Moore, it was a fairly close call and, at any rate, Mr Kaine had given me notice about 30 minutes before we adjourned that Bill that he wanted the call, just as in question time you give the Speaker notice. In fact, I advised you of that when you indicated that you wanted the call. He got in first; you both got up at about the same time. Mr Jensen was on his feet and, because you were obviously peeved, I was quite happy to give you the call; but you simply did not get up quickly enough.

Mr Moore: What I am asking you to do is to work by the standing orders. If you are going to be Speaker, work by the standing orders.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Thank you for your gratuitous advice, Mr Moore.

Mr Jensen: On a point of order: Mr Acting Speaker, that is a reflection on your ability as Speaker. I request that that be withdrawn.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: I would ask you to withdraw that, Mr Moore.

Mr Moore: The exact words I said were, "If you are going to be Speaker, work by the standing orders". I do not see that as a reflection on you. Surely, that is the appropriate thing for any Speaker to do. I withdraw any inference.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: I do. Also, it is fairly common practice in this house for members, if they do want the call, to advise the Speaker. Mr Prowse, to my knowledge, goes by that. I go by that as well, and I think everyone who has sat in this chair has gone by that.

Let us exercise a little bit of commonsense and let us not be quite so petulant.

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