Page 3517 - Week 12 - Thursday, 19 September 1991

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A "plain English" information booklet will be released, along with a range of "how to" brochures covering various administrative processes prescribed by the legislation. Additionally, information leaflets will be available in a number of languages, acknowledging the multicultural nature of our community. Underpinning all of this will be a public awareness campaign and a "hot line" telephone inquiry service.

The Government also agrees with the committees' view that there are benefits for the whole community in this legislation and acknowledges that no one sector should be required to bear the full administrative cost of the processes set out in the legislation. The scale of fees and charges related to the legislation will be equitable and will properly take account of the Government's social justice objectives. I commend to the house that response that has been tabled.

In conclusion, Mr Acting Speaker, I believe that we have before us today a comprehensive and innovative package of legislation which is the outcome of an extensive program of consultation with the ACT community. I should state that I am very conscious of the fact that decisions on the package have been made by all three ACT governments since 1989 and that there is a great deal of unanimity among the major groups in the Assembly on most issues.

I look forward to a constructive debate in this chamber on this Bill. It is up to each and every member of the Assembly to recognise that we have a responsibility to deliver this legislation to the community - legislation which will protect and enhance our unique environment and provide the foundations for its continued growth and economic prosperity.

I have mentioned during this speech the fact that the draft Territory Plan is to be released by the Territory Planner shortly. I know that all members will share the responsibility of this Government in the debate that follows the release of that plan. We have acted properly in releasing that plan at this stage, and not seeking, in any way, to defer it. I believe that other members, especially those of the former Alliance Government, well know the plan and its aims, and I look forward to sharing with you the responsibility in the community as the debate on that plan continues.

Mr Acting Speaker, I commend this Bill to the Assembly. I present the explanatory memorandum for the Bill.

Debate (on motion by Mr Kaine) adjourned.

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