Page 3506 - Week 12 - Thursday, 19 September 1991

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I want to briefly mention in the time available the question of housing design. That is an exciting part of this committee's work and I believe that a further report is yet to come down on that question. I draw attention to the recommendations on pages 28 and 29 of the report. It certainly contains an exciting range of possibilities for the ACT. Again, education is the main thrust here. We baulked, and rightly so, I think, at actually coercing people into adopting solar sensitive designs for new houses in the ACT, tempting as it is.

Of course, we have seen in the course of our committee's work - I did so when I was chairman of this committee in 1989 - a number of good solar designed houses in the ACT. That was a fascinating experience. I have to say that if I ever build a house in this Territory I will certainly pay attention to that requirement for solar design. There are some very attractive and successful designs available for people to look at in this Territory. We clearly need to ensure that this is done through a process of education.

Of course, the Government can do more than that, and recommendation (f) in paragraph 13.9 clearly indicates that the Government can lead the way by ensuring that Housing Trust spot purchases favour exclusively units and houses which conform to correct solar orientation. (Extension of time granted)

I believe that that is a good way of raising the value of those sorts of houses and encouraging people to think in those terms. Whether it is effective or not remains to be seen, but I would be very interested to see whether the Government adopts that as a policy in the near future. I sincerely hope that they at least give it consideration.

I also want to thank Bill Symington and the staff of the committee, who contributed so much hard work to making this, and the other reports we have brought down or are bringing down, successful. I am sure that on issues such as appliances, air quality and housing design there is a great deal of exciting innovation yet possible. I hope that this report makes inroads into that important question and gets discussion and debate going in the Territory on those issues.

Debate (on motion by Mr Wood) adjourned.

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