Page 3449 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 18 September 1991

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allow him to present it. I am listening intently to his debate and I am trying to stop him where it is necessary. Please give me some support, instead of that ridiculous outburst. Mr Stevenson, please proceed.

MR STEVENSON: There are other matters under investigation and individuals currently before the courts which I am unable to reveal at this time because of either confidentiality or the rule of sub judice.

The Publications Control (Amendment) Bill 1991 seeks to exclude from the ACT the operations of organised criminals involved in the X-rated video trade. Mr Collaery, when Attorney-General, indicated to me that if I could show an organised crime involvement in the industry he would vote to ban X-rated videos. I call upon him to do so.

This Bill also seeks to reduce the level of violence in our society. Worldwide research has shown that an increase in the availability of pornography of a type found in X-rated videos increases the rape rate. This is also true in Denmark where, after many forms of pornography and sex acts were legalised, nonetheless the rape rate increased from 173 in 1963 to 484 in 1978, 15 years later. While it is clearly ridiculous to suggest that everyone who watches porn videos will commit acts of violence, it is equally ridiculous to suggest that none will.

We inherited the dregs of this industry when the rest of the States banned them. Now we should do likewise. Members have a chance to do something about the discrimination against women, sexual abuse of children and violence against women. For the sake of Canberrans and for the sake of all Australians, I ask members to vote for this Bill.

Question put:

That this Bill be agreed to in principle.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 8  NOES, 9 

Mr Humphries Mr Berry
Mr Jensen Mr Collaery
Mr Kaine Mr Connolly
Dr Kinloch Mr Duby
Mrs Nolan Ms Follett
Mr Prowse Mrs Grassby
Mr Stefaniak Ms Maher
Mr Stevenson Mr Moore
 Mr Wood

Question so resolved in the negative.

Sitting suspended from 12.30 to 2.30 pm

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