Page 3403 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 September 1991

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Ms Maher then went on to say, "I withdraw 'lie' and I withdraw 'She has misled the Assembly'. I will say that she has told an untruth". After some debate by other members, she then went on to say, "I will withdraw in that I consider that Ms Follett has been given the wrong information". To satisfy order in this place, I think Ms Maher should confirm that all of those statements add up to an unequivocal withdrawal of the words she used in relation to the Chief Minister.

MR SPEAKER: I take your point of order, Mr Berry. I think it is a small point. Ms Maher, would you make an unqualified withdrawal on that point?

Ms Maher: May I speak to the point of order?

MR SPEAKER: Certainly.

Ms Maher: Mr Speaker, I will withdraw the statement that it was a lie or untruth or misleading, but I wish to say that I have here a letter to the Chief Minister, which came up through me and which I signed off before we were kicked out of government. The letter ends by saying:

It is recommended that:

(a) agree to the list at Attachment A of individuals and organisations to be approached for appointment to the Consultative Committee on Domestic Violence.

(b) agree to the Terms of Reference at paragraph 10.

(c) sign a letter to Mr Collaery seeking his views on terms of reference and members (Attachment B).

(d) (Following Mr Collaery's response) sign letters of appointment (Attachment C).

Mr Speaker, I had asked that these be put through the relevant Ministers urgently, before the Government changed. As you can see, that was not done. I seek leave to table that letter, and I will withdraw my statement to Ms Follett.

Leave granted.

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