Page 3381 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 September 1991

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If there are going to be variations to the level of water consumption, I do not believe that we should be having matters of a technical nature brought before this Assembly so that people can grandstand and say, "No, no; I have saved someone's rhododendrons by not allowing ACTEW to take a sensible commercial decision". I believe that ACTEW should be able to set a basic water allowance, subject to disallowance by the appropriate Minister.

Before ACTEW was created, water and sewerage rates were announced according to the timing of the Federal budget, and rates in respect of that part of the financial year which had elapsed by the time of the budget announcement were, in effect, a retrospective impost. Various subsections of the Water Rates Act and the Sewerage Rates Act provided, in effect, that the announced charges applied in respect of the rating year that began on the 1 July immediately proceeding the date of the announcement. I do not think that has any further particular relevance because water and sewerage rates are not announced in the budget context.

I agree with the Government's proposal in this regard. I note that it is already, currently, a disallowable instrument.

Mr Moore: It is not a disallowable instrument. You should read the legislation before you stand up.

MR DUBY: I am sorry; I beg your pardon. I note that, following the amendment that is to be put by the Minister, it will be a disallowable instrument. I regard that as ample precaution against outrageous imposts upon the community. The proposal is one that I, as Minister, would have put forward and I would have expected, frankly, unanimous support from the Assembly. Of course, that takes into account the changes which were to be imposed upon the structure and management of ACTEW anyway. I think this is an important factor. I think we all acknowledge that water levels should be reduced. To argue about who has the right to determine the appropriate level is to take it away from experts who are far better qualified in this regard than people who are, frankly, politicians in the Assembly.

Mr Moore: No. Let the experts come up with the argument; then we can understand what they are on about.

MR DUBY: I have heard the experts - - -

Mr Moore: Craig, that is the whole basis of democracy. It is at stake. You did not want self-government. Why don't you resign?

MR DUBY: I can hear Mr Moore rabbiting on. He always manages to mouth off whenever any amendment that he puts up is being opposed by other people. He interjects constantly. The simple fact is that the experts do put it up and the level of control is there in the relevant and

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