Page 3362 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 September 1991

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In respect of other revenue, the Government has successfully negotiated with the New South Wales Government an increased share of revenues from the sale of New South Wales Government lottery products in the ACT. The ACT now receives the same share of sales as the New South Wales Government. Unfortunately, Victoria has refused to do likewise and continues to retain 25 per cent of the tax revenue raised in the ACT on lotteries other than Tattslotto. We have consequently limited the Victorian contract to 12 months and will actively pursue the issue.

Tax from lotteries is estimated to total more than $8.5m in 1991-92. The Government is determined that its business enterprises will operate efficiently, provide quality service at reasonable prices, and give an adequate return to the owners - the people of the ACT. The return from its business enterprises will increase this year by $8m to $20m. The requirement for payment of a dividend will be extended this year to the Milk Authority, the TAB and Totalcare Industries. The dividend from ACTEW will increase to $19m from $12m last year.

Traffic fines in the ACT will be brought into line with New South Wales. This change is aimed more at improving road safety than revenue, and rectifies an anomaly of longstanding concern to the police and others who see the effects of road accidents. In addition, we have decided to extend the licence cancellation arrangements applying to non-payment of parking fines to traffic infringement fines as well.


In conclusion, this budget addresses the fundamentals. It makes major strides towards increasing the efficiency of government operations. At the same time, it protects our community services. Through a disciplined approach to financial management, my Government has demonstrated that our agenda for social reform can continue, no matter how tough the financial circumstances.

In this budget, we have come to terms with the realities of an unprecedented withdrawal of Commonwealth funding, and we have done it without imposing unacceptable burdens on business and without compromising services to the community.

We have shown that the ACT can live within its means and we have avoided leaving a legacy of debt. We have delivered a balanced recurrent budget in a realistic and socially just manner. My Government will always strive to increase efficiency through fiscal discipline, not as an end in itself but as a means to achieving social reform.

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