Page 3360 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 September 1991

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the need to review the number of positions fully paid for by the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth has agreed to fund an additional 42 police personnel, almost doubling the previous figure. Beyond this, police funding is subject to the same level of restraint in administrative staff and non-salary expenditure as applies to all government programs.

Urban Services

The Government has taken note of community concerns regarding the level of expenditure on some of our city services in recent years, particularly roads and footpaths. Efficiencies will be pursued in all programs. Areas identified for savings include motor vehicle registries, occupational licensing, building control, waste management, administration of capital works and staff overheads.

Expenditure on roads will be reduced by $1.8m. This will be achieved by reducing the level of road and footpath maintenance, line marking and sign replacement, as well as adopting changed standards and techniques. At the same time, the Department of Urban Services will commission an independent evaluation to examine the longer term consequences of various levels and types of road maintenance.

ACTION funding will be reduced by $2.1m this year. This signifies the Government's commitment to improving the efficiency of the bus service. At the same time, service delivery to the Tuggeranong Valley will be improved and direct services from the outer suburbs of Canberra to the city and an inner-city shuttle service will be introduced.

Funds will be provided in 1991-92 to continue the Government's commitment to removing loose asbestos as quickly as possible. Some reductions to the administrative costs of the program have been made. The Government will be further reviewing the costs of the program. In addition, my Government has decided to reopen the Ainslie Waste Transfer Station at weekends, at a cost of $200,000 in a full year. Facilities for recycling garden waste and disposal of household garbage will both be available.

Capital Works

My Government's approach to capital works spending has achieved a careful balance between competing needs. We need capital works expenditure to provide improved public facilities. It also stimulates economic activity. On the other hand, we need to minimise borrowings. We have settled on a new program for budget funded agencies involving commitments of $131m. This will bring total commitments, including works in progress, to $302m, compared to $308m last year. Expenditure this year will be $127m.

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