Page 3341 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 17 September 1991

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Mr Humphries: Can we amend it by leave?

MR SPEAKER: Yes. An amendment can be moved from the floor.

MR HUMPHRIES (2.36), by leave: Mr Speaker, I would certainly wish to amend this motion. I move:

(1) omit "3.00", substitute "3.10".

(2) omit "and that the time limits on the speeches of all leaders of parties be equivalent to the time taken by the Treasurer in moving the motion - That the Bill be agreed to in principle".

MR COLLAERY (2.37), by leave: Mr Speaker, the Residents Rally supports the motion moved by Mr Berry. It clearly gives me, as party leader, equal time with Mr Kaine. I think we should somehow get down to that process, and I do not think we need any manoeuvrings on that issue. I am quite prepared. I have spoken to the Chief Minister. She has a lengthy speech to give, and I am certain that there is no ploy afoot whatsoever whereby she might speak for only five minutes and then reduce the speaking time for us all. She is going to give a normal, customary budget speech and I think we should get on with this motion and pass it.

MR MOORE (2.37), by leave: Mr Speaker, what the Liberal Party is doing here is just a bit of political manoeuvring and grandstanding. Quite clearly, the motion provides for the Chief Minister to make her speech, to deliver the budget in an appropriate way, and then to give members the opportunity to respond in an appropriate way. I indicate now that I will be supporting the motion, and voting against the amendment.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, leave was required to move each of your amendments. I assume that leave was granted to put forward both of them, as proposed by Mr Humphries.

Question put:

That amendment No. (1) (Mr Humphries') be agreed to.

A vote having been called for and the bells being rung -

MR SPEAKER: Order! I have been advised by Mr Stevenson that he will not be here for the first half of the sitting day due to illness in the family. Please proceed with the vote.

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