Page 3291 - Week 11 - Thursday, 12 September 1991

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Unfortunately, it would appear that successive governments have not taken much interest in implementing some of the most important recommendations of these committees, particularly the Standing Committee on Social Policy which inquired into public behaviour and produced a report in 1990.

My own experience, Mr Speaker, from talking to youth workers and my own children, suggests to me that there is a major problem with drinking within our community. That problem covers a range of areas. There is no simple solution. It is not simply a matter of applying a bandaid here and a bandaid there. It requires a proper, well thought out and coordinated approach.

That is why the Residents Rally considers it appropriate to recommend that the Government establish a board of inquiry under the ACT Inquiries Act to look at those very important issues. The person appointed - it needs to be only one - with assistance from within the ACT Government Service, can direct that inquiry, consider the issues and bring down a report, as we have suggested, by 30 November for consideration by this Assembly and the community. An eminent person, well respected by the community, could bring down such a report.

Despite the good contents of this Assembly report on public behaviour, it has been buried by successive governments. That is the problem with committee reports at the moment, not just in this parliament but in parliaments around Australia. That is why the Rally believes that it is appropriate and important to have an inquiry instituted in this way. That is why we have taken the path we have taken today - not for crass political purposes, as has been suggested by members opposite. As I said before, if they did some homework, really got out into the community, had some proper community consultation and spoke to people and to youth workers, they might adopt a slightly different attitude.

I would like now to discuss some of the planning issues related to such an inquiry, some of the issues that have already been alluded to by my colleague Mr Collaery. Particular concern relates to a lack of any real appeals process on decisions to open more taverns, clubs or liquor outlets, so as to provide opportunities for residents and others at least to have their say about whether such facilities should be allowed for social or commercial reasons.

The other problem relates to the apparent ability to increase the extent of a liquor outlet without any input from the residents who can well be affected by such a decision. Mr Collaery has already referred to a number of incidents in the Manuka area. We have seen a massive increase in the number and size of liquor outlets in that area. That is having an effect on the amenity of not only the residents in that area but also those who operate businesses there.

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