Page 3276 - Week 11 - Thursday, 12 September 1991

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MR BERRY: You have already endorsed the punitive measures. What about the move-on powers?

Mr Jensen: Through the Chair, Mr Berry. You should know better than that.

MR BERRY: All you are interested in is pushing young people around.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Jensen!

MR BERRY: This Government is on the right track. It might peeve you, but we are on the right track. This program - which promotes the message that some drinks cost more than money - is a great way of getting to young people. Punitive measures are not the answer - and expensive inquiries are not the answer either.

It is just grandstanding, and I think the people of the ACT have had enough. It was very interesting, I thought, that the first one to get onto the band wagon with them was the greatest grandstander of all, Dennis Stevenson. He was straight onto the band wagon with you. He will be trying to shove you off next, so that he can have it all to himself. But Dr Kinloch will make sure that he keeps his space.

This Government is about promoting responsibility. It is about being positive and implementing programs that improve the well-being of Canberrans, not grandstanding. It is not about taking the reactionary steps that spend ratepayers' money and achieve little for the people that we serve. An inquiry may give some members a warm feeling - I am sure it will - and some hope for next February, but this Government will continue to use the people's money wisely and we will spread healthy messages through positive programs. No more grandstanding.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, before you resume your chair I would ask you to withdraw the statement you made on Dr Kinloch's hypocrisy on this matter. "Hypocrisy" has been ruled unparliamentary in the past and I would ask you to withdraw that statement.

Mr Berry: I replace that with "double-dealing".

Mr Jensen: An unqualified withdrawal.

Mr Berry: I withdraw that and replace it with "doublespeak".

Mr Collaery: No, an unqualified withdrawal.

Mr Berry: How about "furphy"?

MR SPEAKER: "Furphy" has been allowed, but I would think - - -

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