Page 3272 - Week 11 - Thursday, 12 September 1991

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I suggest to Mr Connolly that he might like to have a chat to John Preston of the Australian Hotels Association, who has some very sensible modifications on what I have suggested which are acceptable to the liquor industry. I would also highlight the fact that, if the Government does not do anything in relation to that particular problem, the Liberal Party might, before the term of this Assembly is out, and in relation to hours of trading as well. Those are certainly problems which I think can be addressed and should be addressed as a matter of urgency.

There are obviously other problems, some of which were picked up by Mr Collaery when he brought in his liquor Bill in December last year, and others which were not. There are, indeed, ongoing problems with this issue, and it seems that Dr Kinloch's matter of public importance has highlighted a number of other continuing problems which perhaps merit this Assembly looking at them further.

I would certainly highlight those points I have made. If they are addressed by this Government, it will certainly go a long way to ensuring that the problems this community suffers as a result of people overindulging in alcohol are addressed to a considerable extent.

MR STEVENSON (3.46): I support Dr Kinloch in relation to the very clear problems he spoke about concerning alcohol. Mr Connolly's allegation that Dr Kinloch's motive was political is unsubstantiated and unparliamentary. In Canberra, all voluntary organisations helping alcoholics are now working to their limit. I would like to highlight one particular action that we can take that will help solve a problem, and that is to reduce the time availability for buying alcohol.

As Dr Kinloch said, the Standing Committee on Social Policy, in the report on its inquiry into public behaviour, referred again and again to the problems caused by alcohol. In an additional comment by Dr Kinloch and me at the end of that report we said:

The problems related to the excessive use of alcohol are so great that we wish to support the view that current licensing hours are extraordinarily permissive. Alcohol sales are now possible at all hours every day of the week.

It is clear, however, from police and other evidence that there are particular problems in the early hours of the morning, on through normal working hours.

We therefore recommend that licensing hours cease at 4.00 am each day and recommence at 8.00 am.

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