Page 3252 - Week 11 - Thursday, 12 September 1991

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Mr Humphries: I understand that, but how do you know? Did you have a study?

MS FOLLETT: Mr Humphries has asked whether the broadening of the land tax base may increase the demand for public housing.

Mr Kaine: No, he did not ask that question.

MS FOLLETT: Yes, he did. I have written it down.

Mr Humphries: I asked whether there were any studies on the matter. I did not ask you whether there would or would not be increased demand. I will repeat the question, if Ms Follett would like me to.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I understand that that question is actually on notice, Mr Humphries. Is that a correct interpretation?

Mr Humphries: I do not know, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Perhaps you could rephrase the question to ask the Chief Minister, if she does not understand what you have asked.

Ms Follett: I do; I have written it down. I have 120 words a minute shorthand and I have written it down.

MR HUMPHRIES: I have too, Mr Speaker, and I can assure the Treasurer that I have not asked the question she just posed. I will repeat the question: Did the Treasurer ask her officials to carry out studies into the effect the land tax will have on tenants or landlords or any increased demand for public housing that might result from the broadening of the land tax? Are there any studies? That is the question.

MS FOLLETT: I do not have a study on the matter, if that is the answer Mr Humphries is looking for. In the course of preparation of the proposal for the Government's consideration, and again in the course of preparation of the legislation itself, all documents were circulated, including to those areas of the administration who have the greatest interest in it. Obviously Mr Connolly's department was one of those areas, and obviously they had an opportunity for input into the Government's decision making on both of those occasions.

There are no formal studies. I have sought advice on a range of issues from my own officials as well, and I have that advice. If Mr Humphries is looking for a printed and bound document entitled "A Study", then there is not such a document. I can assure him that I have had the benefit of full advice and expert advice, particularly from those areas of Mr Connolly's department.

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