Page 3149 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 11 September 1991

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MR CONNOLLY (10.44): I will move that the debate be adjourned. I do not want to talk about this one, either. I do not know what it is about, but I will move that the debate be adjourned because I have not seen the papers. It might be about health, sport, or cloud-cuckoo-land for all I know; but anyway I move:

That the debate be now adjourned.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Ms Follett: Are we allowed to see it?

Mr Berry: Do we get to know what it is about? Do we get to see it?

Mr Kaine: Don't you want to talk about your Crimes (Amendment) Bill?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Order, members, please. This is getting out of hand. Mr Connolly, you did move the adjournment, I believe.

Mr Connolly: I think I did. I do not know what it was about, but I moved it. This man will not speak to his Bills.

Mr Berry: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mr Speaker, there is listed on the notice paper today the Crimes (Amendment) Bill, which Mr Collaery was to present.

Mr Collaery: Which I have done.

Mr Berry: Well, I do not have the Bill. Mr Speaker, this is becoming extremely farcical because Mr Collaery does not choose to speak to a Bill which is so important that it rates as No. 1 on the top of the notice paper. It just strikes me as a bit odd, but not out of keeping with his performance in the last little while.

MR SPEAKER: Your point of order is taken, Mr Berry. The Bill is being distributed to the members.

Mr Kaine: This is the Magistrates Court (Amendment) Bill that I have just got. We still do not have the Crimes (Amendment) Bill.

Ms Follett: I have the Crimes (Amendment) Bill.

Mr Connolly: Perhaps we could do a swap, because we have one and you have the other.

Mr Wood: I think the parliament should adjourn for a while.

MR SPEAKER: It is all right. It is settling down. Order! I understand that all members now have a copy of the Crimes (Amendment) Bill.

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