Page 3110 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 10 September 1991

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in this area is a hard-won achievement and potentially will save the building industry and, consequently, both the consumer and the business user of building products, millions upon millions of dollars in the long term. I commend the Bill to the house.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Bill, by leave, taken as a whole.

MR CONNOLLY (Attorney-General, Minister for Housing and Community Services and Minister for Urban Services) (9.22): I move:

Page 5, Schedule, proposed amendments of paragraph 35(2)(b)(twice occurring) and paragraph 35(2)(c) - Omit the proposed amendments, substitute the following amendment:

"Paragraph 35(2)(b) -

  Omit 'in accordance with the prescribed  form', substitute 'in writing'.".

The amendment picks up the technical fault that was identified in Mrs Grassby's Scrutiny of Bills Committee report No. 14 of 27 August. In the schedule at page 5, the intention is to require notification simply to be in writing. It says, "Omit 'in accordance with the prescribed form', substitute 'in writing'.". But then it repeats amendments to paragraphs 35(2)(b) and (c), which omits the paragraphs, and says, "to be accompanied by the determined fee".

The effect of that, as it is currently drafted, would be to omit the requirement that it be in writing, and that is all that was intended. In effect, we are scrapping the schedule amendments to paragraphs 35(2)(b) and (c) and retaining only the requirement for the notice to be in writing rather than in accordance with the prescribed form. It is a minor oversight that occurred in the drafting of the Bill and was picked up by Professor Whalan, with his usual fine eye for detail in these matters.

MR COLLAERY (9.23): Mr Speaker, I rise to address the amendment because it brings into question what we are seeking, which is a uniform building code. The opportunity cannot be lost here to comment upon Mr Connolly's polemic about the need for the ACT to toe the uniform line. We have already seen the Chief Minister sign that Premiers communique, which she will bitterly regret in due course.

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