Page 3043 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 10 September 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Members, I suggest that seeking leave of the Assembly might be a better way to approach questions like this. In the situation you have posed to me I have given leave because of a personal slight that has occurred. If you read it that way, please proceed.

MR JENSEN: I am seeking to read something into the record, Mr Speaker, so that it is quite clear that in fact the Rally, of which I am a member, did not support the d'Hondt system as it applied at the last election. I will quote from page 7 of this document. I am happy to table the document if there is a problem. It states:

The Rally supports the concept of a major overhaul of the system to remove the anomalies of the much modified system. However, at this stage it is recommended that the d'Hondt electoral system be allowed to operate for one more election with modifications.

Mrs Grassby: Mr Speaker, there we are; it came out of his own mouth.

MR JENSEN: Mr Speaker, I repeat it once again -

with modifications.

It then goes on to say:

If this course of action is not accepted an electoral system based on the Tasmanian Hare Clark procedures with three electorates returning a total of 17 members would also meet the needs of the people of the ACT.

MR SPEAKER: Members, please look at standing orders 46 and 47. That was a misuse of standing order 46, Mr Jensen.

Mr Jensen: I disagree.

MR SPEAKER: Well, let us look at standing order 47 and ask for the assistance of the Assembly to take decisions on this matter.

MR COLLAERY: I seek leave, pursuant to standing order 46, to again deal with a misrepresentation by Ms Follett during her answers to questions today.

MR SPEAKER: Is this of a personal nature?

MR COLLAERY: Yes, it certainly is, Mr Speaker. Ms Follett said, in her grandiose manner today, in the particular mood she seems to be in, that I had been complaining for years about my staff. Mr Speaker, I have excellent staff. I have not been complaining about them for years. My complaints have arisen since the change of government, and that is not years past. The Chief Minister's statements were a great exaggeration.

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