Page 2972 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 1991

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The justification for pedestrian refuge islands programmed this financial year is as follows:

Cowlishaw Street - Pedestrian refuge islands are being provided on Cowlishaw Street to assist pedestrian safety in the vicinity of Lake Tuggeranong College. The Traffic and Roads Section of the Department of Urban Services was approached by Lake Tuggeranong College to discuss pedestrian safety. After assessing the needs of the College a series of refuge islands were identified as desirable at locations where a significant number of college students crossed..

Beasley Street - A refuge will be provided in the vicinity of the Bungler Court aged persons housing complex. The option was developed in conjunction with Bungler Court, ACTION and Traffic and Roads Section after a request was made to ACTION to provide a bus stop in close proximity to the home.

Ainsworth Street - The Department of Education requested Traffic and Roads Section to review safety measures at Mawson Primary School. The assessment identified the need for two refuge islands, at locations used by school children crossing the road. The works were developed in conjunction with the Mawson Primary School Principal and Parents and Citizens Association and the Department of Education.

Cliff Crescent - The Richardson Primary School Parents and Citizens Association approached Traffic and Roads Section with concerns about safety for children crossing Cliff Crescent. A traffic engineer attended a meeting with the Parents and Citizens and an investigation into their concerns was initiated. The assessment identified the need to provide several refuge islands on Cliff Crescent to assist the school children to cross the road.

Hamden Street/Officer Crescent - Concrete islands will be provided on the Hamden Street approach of the intersection of Officer Crescent and Hamden Street. This channelisation will improve the safety of the intersection and also provide a refuge for school children crossing Hamden Street to and from North Ainslie Primary School. These works were identified on the basis of the accident history of the intersection, which included a fatal accident, and after concerns were received from the Board of North Ainslie Primary School.


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