Page 2941 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 1991

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former officers of what used to be GALA but also, it would appear, in effect, all members of this Assembly, particularly those who have been involved in government over the last 2½ years.

It is apparent that Mr Stevenson maintains that there is a Mafia or illegal connection with the industry in the ACT generally and, by slur, with the industry in New South Wales. The clear implication is that those who have been involved in areas of the industry - and that includes me as former Minister for Finance and Ms Follett both as current Treasurer and as the Treasurer in the first Labor Government of 1989 - are somehow involved in an enormous cover-up of what is clearly an illegal Mafia operation. I take great offence at that suggestion, and I wish to state publicly my complete support for the industry and for the good government officers involved in the regulation of that industry - in doing the very things which Mr Stevenson, in his scurrilous attack today, seemed to imply did not occur.

Mr Stevenson: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mr Duby says that I made a scurrilous attack on someone, and that is not true.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Stevenson! I suggest that you clarify your situation. I think there is some confusion in the house as to what you did say. So, if you are prepared to clarify it and to defend yourself, I think that would be appreciated by all.

MR DUBY: During the debate Mr Stevenson made accusations that no measures were taken to ensure the correct ratio of pay-out, which I noticed he kept referring to as 85 per cent, which of course is incorrect. He suggested that no measures had been taken to ensure that the users of the gaming machines within the Territory received a return on the basis of even the incorrect figure of 85 per cent, let alone the correct figure of 87 per cent, which is the percentage that has been maintained and ensured by officers of GALA and the Revenue Office at least since the advent of self-government. Clearly, what he suggests is not the case. The interests of people who avail themselves of the facilities provided by licensed clubs have always been foremost in the deliberations of the various authorities that have produced reports in the past and I am sure that this will continue to be the case in the future.

Mr Stevenson, as I said, made those accusations. He implied that there was an enormous cover-up of some kind and that there were illegal operations going on in this Territory. I reject that entirely and I think, if anything, Mr Stevenson owes not only this house but also all those involved in the club industry of the ACT an abject apology.

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