Page 2932 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 1991

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In the ACT we have had the advantage in past years of the Gaming and Liquor Authority achieving a very high standard indeed in its surveillance and its work in that area. That task is now being taken on largely by the Revenue Office and I have total confidence in their ability to carry on the task in a manner that avoids the corruption that Mr Stevenson has so loosely spoken about and also maintain the ACT's revenue base. This is a very important industry in the ACT and it is a very important source of revenue to the ACT Government. So, Mr Speaker, I think it is regrettable that Mr Stevenson has sought to smear the industry in that way, to smear the Revenue Office by implication and to - - -

Mr Stevenson: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Miss Follett is using words that, firstly, are unparliamentary and, secondly, are untrue.

MR SPEAKER: I must say that the interpretation that you have put on this, Ms Follett, does bring this into the area that we have just discussed as far as verbiage is concerned. I would ask that you withdraw that accusation and imputation against Mr Stevenson.

Ms Follett: I wish to speak to the point of order, Mr Speaker. Your previous ruling related to the use of the word "smear" in relation to all members of this Assembly. I have made my remarks quite specific to Mr Stevenson. I think that by attempting to link organised crime with the club industry in the ACT he has indeed attempted, in the terms of your definition, to defame them. Just as you read to us earlier, it is a smear. If you regard that term as unparliamentary, I do not. I must take issue with your ruling because, as I said, I have made it quite specific to Mr Stevenson and quite specific to his recent remarks.

MR SPEAKER: I will review the Hansard. From listening to Mr Stevenson's speech, I saw him as having a valid concern, but I do not believe that he smeared anybody. I will review the Hansard.

Mr Stevenson: Thank you, Mr Speaker.

Mr Duby: He certainly smeared the Revenue Office. He said that there were corrupt officers allowing illegal practices to occur.

MR SPEAKER: Not in this State, as I understand it; but I will review the Hansard.

MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, I repeat: Mr Stevenson has given us the benefit of his views on a range of possible illegal activities in other States and has attempted to impute them to the ACT. I will await your ruling on that.

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