Page 2929 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Duby. Mr Stevenson, I believe that the statement you are making is more relevant to an MPI or a statement made by leave of the Assembly. I do not really believe that you are addressing the question before the house. (Quorum formed)

MR STEVENSON: Mr Speaker, the Bill we are debating talks about the percentage that is set on gaming machines. I am talking about evidence from other States in Australia. I have made no mention whatsoever that such evidence is available at this time in the ACT. However, it is available for other States and there need to be certain - - -

Mr Duby: What other States? You have mentioned Victoria. What other States?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Duby, I warn you. You cannot take the floor, Mr Duby. You will have your turn when it is your turn to speak. Mr Stevenson has the floor.

Mr Duby: For goodness sake! Mr Stevenson is being totally irrelevant, Mr Speaker.

MR STEVENSON: Mr Speaker, am I explaining the validity of my speech, or am I giving it?

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed.

MR STEVENSON: The illegal games are operated so that it is very difficult to ascertain that they are illegal. There are switching mechanisms that are used on them. A common practice has been the use of magnetic switches whereby an attendant can run a magnet over a certain part of the machine and switch it on to operate other software, high stake illegal gambling.

Also, there have been circuit boards, very small computer components within the machines, treated with photosensitive material so that when they are opened you no longer have the evidence. It is immediately destroyed by the light. The raids on such equipment have shown that the people who are trained to investigate and to check over the machines to make sure they are legal have not been able to ensure in all cases that the machines they have given approval to are, in fact, legal. It is very hi-tech equipment. It is very difficult, for a number of reasons, to ascertain what is legal and what is illegal.

Inspector Pat Maher, in an item under the headline "Western Australian target for illegal slot machines", said, "It appears one crime group, the Mafia, runs the machines in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney. From our raids we have established that one particular Mafia figure in Victoria has direct links with Perth, Sydney and New South Wales Riverina". I make the point that we do not necessarily have a guarantee that this organised crime network has not infiltrated the ACT. There are some practical suggestions - - -

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