Page 2913 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 1991

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Mr Kaine: No, you need to correct yours. You are mistaken.

MR MOORE: If I am wrong, I will be only too delighted to do the same. We will have a look at it, but I think you are going to be the one.

With reference to community consultation, the major community consultation body in Belconnen, the peak body, is normally recognised as the Belconnen Community Council. The Belconnen Community Council has written, I presume, to a number of members. It has certainly written to me, as indeed did the Ginninderra Community Council, requesting that I move disallowance of the variation that had been signed by Craig Duby and Trevor Kaine.

I had agreed that I would move disallowance of those variations. It never proved necessary because we now have a government that is much more socially just and has taken a much more socially just decision than the one that was taken by Trevor Kaine and Craig Duby. It reversed the decision. The decision had to be made by Mr Duby and Mr Kaine because Mr Kaine could not get anybody else to sign the variation, even within his own Cabinet. Talk about divisions in the Liberal Party and everywhere else; it does really make you wonder where the divisions all start.

Mr Kaine then summarised what he said about the RSL site by saying that the decision is not about social justice, it is not about the community, it is not about planning and it is not about environment. He then went on to talk about grey power and said that it was not in the interests of the elderly. All those things are emotive and nonsense. It is socially just to ensure that posterity has access to that land, and the decision is in the community interest.

As far as planning goes, it makes good planning sense to ensure that we have open space next to our lakes. As far as environmental concerns go, I am glad that our environment is not relying on Trevor Kaine for protection. With reference to grey power, there is a growing influence by elderly people in the ACT and I think most of them will recognise how sensible it is to save this land for posterity.

MR SPEAKER: Order! The time for the debate has concluded.

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I request that the letter that Mr Wood referred to be tabled.

Mr Wood: Mr Speaker, I table that document.

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