Page 2899 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 1991

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Jindalee is hardly an area of excellence on the part of this Government either. The construction of a new home and the sale of the present home has been recommended since the Kearney report more than two years ago. The Alliance Government backed the move; but, as we have heard, Labor claimed that it was too difficult and have put off this move. Now, apparently, it is being reconsidered again in the future. I have to say that this Government is so inept, so unsure of what it is doing, so unable to come to a decision that anybody who relied on the Government would be sorely in error.

There is the question also of the RSL retirement village which was to have been constructed near Lake Ginninderra. The Planning Minister, Mr Wood, effectively reversed the Alliance Government's decision to allow the RSL to construct the retirement village, on the grounds that he did not think the community would want a lot of buildings close to the lake. The simple fact is that the closest the village would come to the lake is some 60 metres. I would think that from here to the far end of this building would be 60 metres and it is probably a lot further than that.

That apparently was going to compromise the integrity of Lake Ginninderra. What a lot of garbage! The site has no particular environmental merit and it is unlikely to be needed for other community purposes. The site is appropriate for the ageing because of its proximity to shopping and other community facilities and its tranquil setting. Apparently, tranquil settings and the care and comfort of the ageing are not priorities for this Government.

I am distressed that the RSL, which has spent five years struggling to have its proposal approved, has received such a savage slap in the face by this Government. What is more, they learnt about this move on the part of the Government in the newspapers. The Government did not even have the courtesy to write to the RSL and say, "I am sorry; we are withdrawing the site for your retirement village on the shores of Lake Ginninderra". They said, in effect, "We could not give a damn". "Go away", is what they were saying; "We could not give a damn about the RSL and their provision of health care services for the ageing in the ACT". It is sad that the Minister who gave the RSL their marching orders is the same man who chaired the Social Policy Committee's inquiry into the ageing and put forward those recommendations which have now been completely rejected by this Government.

MR BERRY (Minister for Health and Minister for Sport) (3.22): I find it very interesting that the chief vandal of the former Alliance Government in respect of public assets has spoken with such passion about issues which will be dealt with properly by the new Follett Labor Government.

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