Page 2896 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 1991

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Clearly, the convalescent facility is a matter of great importance in this Territory. It is not a white elephant; it is not an add-on; it is not a sweetener in the hospital redevelopment project. It is vitally important, and that is why the Alliance Government gave it great emphasis in its plans for health care restructuring in this Territory.

The other matter of great importance in this area is a hospice for those who are terminally ill. Incidentally, Mr Wood also spoke about a hospice when he handed down his report. Again I quote:

The committee also found that there was a pressing need -

I emphasise that -

for a hospice for the terminally ill designed to provide palliative rather than curative care.

If Mr Wood and his committee found a pressing need for that facility in 1989, how much more pressing is that need in 1991? Presumably, even more so.

Mr Wood: You were there during all of 1990. What happened?

MR HUMPHRIES: And we took steps to provide that hospice. That hospice was on track. It is no longer on track. The relocation of Jindalee was also recommended by the committee. The committee embraced the findings of the Kearney report, which said about Jindalee:

... its design is not well suited to its current purpose. The separation of the two units increases the cost of, and problems with, administering the home.

The major shortcomings in the physical design and location of the nursing home will continue contributing to the operating deficit. Furthermore, while the building is relatively modern it is not optimal for the nursing home patients, and does not allow sufficient staffing and care.

The clear message is that the relocation of Jindalee was viewed by Dr Kearney and the committee as essential on the grounds of better patient care as well as reducing recurrent costs. Mr Wood also noted the interest of the Chief Minister at the time, Rosemary Follett. He said:

The Chief Minister has shown great interest in the proceedings of the committee and on many occasions has expressed to me her interest in the topic, acknowledging that the ageing comprise a growing sector of our community.

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