Page 2880 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 1991

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Another change, of course, was the reintroduction of draw poker machines. I say "reintroduction" because they were, at one stage, available to play in taverns around the ACT. They were taken out of the taverns after a period because, I believe, they were being used for purposes other than what they were originally designed for, or contrary to the basis on which they were originally allowed into the taverns. They have now been introduced in a much more sophisticated form. Any of us who have visited casinos around Australia know of the vast banks of these things that are available for people to play poker on rather than go to the tables.

I guess that by now members listening have gained the impression that I have played the odd poker machine, have pulled the odd handle and pressed the odd button. Let me say that that is correct. Lest anyone think that I do not necessarily agree with the poker machine industry or even playing cards, I have been known to have the odd game of cards myself. After 20-odd years in the Army you learn these things very quickly.

Mr Kaine: You can combine them and play poker on a machine now.

MR JENSEN: That is true. I am a member of the Southern Cross Club and also the Burns Club, the newly opened club down in the valley.

Mr Collaery: You are declaring an interest.

MR JENSEN: I am declaring an interest, yes. I would be very surprised if there is any member in this place who is not a member of at least one club, particularly when the Burns Club charged me only $2 to join. I thought it was good value. However, let me move on to something that is a little more serious.

At this stage in my life I am able to control the urge to gamble away my salary packet, but unfortunately there are people within our society who do not have that ability. It is these people, I believe, that we should be aware of when we, as legislators, sit down to pass legislation relating to gambling. I have yet to experience the thrill, I suppose, of winning a major jackpot on a $2 machine in the ACT because I have not played a $2 machine in the ACT. But who is to say what temptations I might be under if, in fact, I was fortunate enough to achieve such a major bonus. I wonder whether, in fact, I would be able to control the urge to continue to seek that bonanza, and I suspect that that is the problem faced by a lot of people in our society.

Mr Speaker, on a number of occasions in this place I have reminded successive governments and responsible Ministers of an important recommendation of the Select Committee on the Establishment of a Casino, a committee of which I was a member. For the record, let me once again remind members

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