Page 2823 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 August 1991

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The existing Stromlo equipment is of 1963 vintage. It is the original equipment. I think it is probably due for replacement because of its age and its installation date. It is not sick because of the fluoride. This document says that the fluoride is imported from overseas and comes in 25-kilogram bags. That seems to be fairly useless information. The difficulty arises when one comes to considering putting other substances with it to reduce its effect. So, on that score it is clear, in the Government's view, that the existing equipment would not appropriately serve the interests of the people of the ACT in terms of the law which is proposed by Dr Kinloch.

It would be most adequately served by the draft amendment which I circulated, if somebody chooses to move it. The Government's position clearly is that we ought to stay with the premier research body's recommendation of one milligram per litre; but, if a member of the other parties in this Assembly chooses to do it in a way which is responsible, then I suggest to them the amendment that I have circulated. All they have to do is add their name and hand it up and then you can end up with a law that will be effective. I will leave it there for the moment, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker.

MR PROWSE (4.37): I want to look at the facts and figures that I requested. The Minister did not have the decency to present them to me, even though I took the appropriate channel. I asked the question of the public servants.

Mr Berry: You did not ask me.

MR PROWSE: Both Ministers' offices were asked for the information. I do not think it is proper, when members of this Assembly ask for information, do the right thing and have it channelled back through the Minister so that there is no impropriety, for the Minister to withhold the information so as to get the leap on the floor and make these points. Taking up the issue, it is not that difficult to understand what has been presented. I would just like to say that the Stromlo - - -

Mr Stevenson: I take a point of order, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker. It is very hard to hear Mr Prowse because of people talking.

MR PROWSE: Thank you. The automation of the Stromlo equipment is ongoing. To my understanding, some of the equipment has already been purchased; so when the Minister suggests that section 65 of the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act comes into play I find that hard to comprehend. I think he has been misadvised. If the money has already been allocated and some of the equipment purchased, it must already be an ongoing proposal. The issue of fluoride concentration has nothing at all to do with the automation. Of that total $600,000 cost, I believe, for the full automation, about $200,000 is

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