Page 2811 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 August 1991

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MR HUMPHRIES: Self-regulation is a possibility. It certainly would be a possibility in the context of the present political parties.

Mr Stevenson: A salary cap.

MR HUMPHRIES: There are debates about whether you should put a spending cap on governments and oppositions and other parties in particular debates. I notice that, although there was a desire to "control expenditure", there was not a proposal to cap the amount that parties can spend on election campaigns, which would mean that, rather than advertise on television or radio or in newspapers, political parties could turn to direct mailing and other things of that kind to get the message across and spend even more money in that area.

I am not convinced that there is any sincerity behind the proposal, and I suspect that that has been, by implication, acknowledged by Senator Bolkus when he made his announcement to fall back from the original decision and modify the Government's proposals. I do not know what the outcome will be, but I certainly hope that we will see a more moderated and acceptable proposal come forward in due course.

DR KINLOCH (3.56): I agree basically with the general views of Mr Stevenson and Mr Humphries. It must be very difficult for traditional Labor reformist people. They must be wondering what is happening within their party when people within their party argue for bans on advertising. It must be very strange indeed. I very much respected the views of the five members of the Labor Party in this Assembly over the Gulf war. They had the courage to stand up against their national party and to put forward a view which is essentially committed to peace and good order.

I join with Mr Stevenson in calling on the Chief Minister to call on the Federal Government to withdraw its proposal to ban political advertising. This may be too late, of course. I rather gather that the Federal Labor Party people have already backed down under obvious pressure, but I hope that they will back down even further. It really is very hard to understand. I respect quite a number of people in the Federal Labor Party, including one of our local members - - -

Ms Follett: Which one?

DR KINLOCH: Including two of our local politicians at the Federal level. The idea of Senator McMullan and John Langmore supporting the banning of free speech in advertising I find amazing. I find it thoroughly amazing, and I hope that the message will be clear to them.

Ms Follett: Is this consistent with your X-rated videos stand?

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