Page 2791 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 14 August 1991

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millions of dollars, and you know that. With the Ainslie Transfer Station we are talking about a project which, in the scheme of government projects, whether capital or recurrent, is not a major one. None of you would count one tip as a major project and as a major item in your budgets.

Mr Kaine: When you are trying to find $17m every little bit helps, I would have thought.

MS FOLLETT: Mr Kaine is quite right in saying that every little bit helps - indeed it does - and I think that has been reflected in a number of decisions that we have already taken. However, I stand by my commitment on the Ainslie Transfer Station, just as I stood by the commitment on the Cook and Lyons schools, because quite clearly, Mr Speaker, the community has expressed its view and that view is that they wish to retain those facilities.

I know that members opposite are squirming about this because they got it wrong. Members know that they got it wrong. The obvious outcome of that is that Mr Duby has become completely obsessed by the Ainslie Transfer Station. He is unable to ask a question on any other subject. He gets the same answer every time, and he will continue to do so until the budget.

MR DUBY: I have a supplementary question.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Duby, we are running out of time. I have asked that we do not have supplementary questions today.

MR DUBY: Mr Speaker, I am entitled to a supplementary question and, by gosh, I shall ask it. The Chief Minister would not be churlish enough to call this session to a premature close; I am sure of that.

Ms Follett: No, of course not.

MR SPEAKER: Chief Minister, can we have unlimited time today?

Ms Follett: You may have a question from each member, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. Ask your supplementary question, Mr Duby.

MR DUBY: Will the Chief Minister have the answer to my previous question tomorrow?

MS FOLLETT: The answer is no. You will have the answer on the costings at budget time.

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