Page 2735 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 August 1991

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MR BERRY: No. The people of Queanbeyan do not get considered in this. They are going to get 0.5 whether they like it or not.

Mrs Nolan: Check out the committee report.

MR BERRY: Queanbeyan are going to get 0.5 whether they like it or not.

Mrs Nolan: Check out the report.

MR BERRY: They are going to get what you want whether they like it or not. But I can tell you this much: According to my advice, they are going to get one part per million until March next year, irrespective of what you do. Those are the facts that you have to consider. You can take the sensible approach. If you want your 0.5 parts per million you have to, in my submission, do it the way that is suggested in that amendment. I call on members of the Assembly to have some commonsense in respect of this matter. If you must force this issue through, you have to do it properly - and if you do not do it properly you will look like a bunch of galahs.

I think this amendment - if Dr Kinloch is prepared to withdraw his and if somebody is prepared to move this one - sorts out your problems, and I am very happy to have helped.

DR KINLOCH (10.52): First of all, if there was any lack of consultation I certainly regret that. I cannot think that there was, since this recommendation was made in February. That is the first point. The second point is this: I went through channels to have this amendment drafted, and part of that going through channels was a telephone call to the drafting office which recommended this form. I accepted the form that was given to me. I understand that there is new advice. If that new advice is the proper way to go about it and has the effect of producing a level of 0.5, I would accept that.

MR COLLAERY (10.53): Mr Speaker, I stand to record my concern at the way Mr Berry took his cheap shots off us a few minutes ago. The fact is that the amendment was circulated in the chamber at 3.21 this afternoon and, as Dr Kinloch said, you have been on notice since February - although you were not on notice at that stage that you would be in government. The document that was obviously sent to the Minister's office this afternoon from ACTEW, probably in response to the circulation of the amendment - - -

Mr Jensen: It is dated tomorrow.

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