Page 2714 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 August 1991

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extent to which unfluoridated toothpaste is readily available to the community. At present only fluoridated toothpaste is easily available. Unfluoridated toothpaste is to be found; but it takes some searching, some knowledge, to find it. Part of the overall scheme of what we should do is that if people want to reduce the level of their total fluoride intake they can do so by changing their toothpaste.

Mrs Nolan: It costs a lot of money.

MR WOOD: It costs a little more, Mrs Nolan. I went shopping with you once when we bought you some non-fluoride toothpaste, in Kings Cross in Sydney, as I recall, Mrs Nolan. I know that you pointed out the cost. It was not our fluoride inquiry that we were there for; it was the HIV inquiry that took us to Kings Cross. While it may seem a trivial matter, the committee accepted that it was important that non-fluoridated toothpaste be readily available, because the toothpaste that we use day and night, or at whatever periods we use it, containing fluoride does increase our level of fluoride intake. So, let us proceed down the path of making other toothpaste more readily available. I welcome the Deputy Chief Minister's indication that he will do so.

As Dr Kinloch pointed out, this has been a long debate. It may be that tonight, or on the resumption if it is not concluded tonight, it will be the conclusion of the debate. The whole effect of it, certainly for me, has been to confirm that fluoride is very useful. I am very happy to see it at the rate of one part per million.

MR PROWSE (9.44): Fluoride is a highly toxic cumulative poison. I do not care whether it is 0.0001 parts per million or five parts per million; it is cumulative. I cannot understand why simple lay language such as that cannot penetrate to those who are making statements. It is cumulative. It does kill bacteria, Mr Wood, and that is why it does have an effect on dental caries.

Mr Berry: That is not it.

MR PROWSE: It does not kill bacteria? That is a learned statement from the floor! Fluoride does kill bacteria. That is why it has an effect on teeth. But why swallow it? Why not use it as a mouth rinse, if that is what you wish to do? You do not have to swallow the stuff and then affect every tissue in your body. That is the point that we will raise again and again: There is no need to swallow the junk. Mr Wood and Mr Humphries, in his learned dissertation on this, have stated that there are no ill effects. This is the situation that I cannot understand, once again.

Ms Follett: You just voted for him as leader.

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