Page 2710 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 August 1991

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Everything causes cancer? Perhaps. Conceivably, even a single electron at the other side of the universe. The real question is, how likely is any one particular cause? In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.

Doctors Burk and Yiamouyiannis showed irrefutably that there are at least 10,000 cancer deaths in America each year due to fluoridation. In 1972 the then Federal Health Minister, Dr Everingham, gave what he believed was the reason for the refusal by authorities to acknowledge the truth about the dangers of artificial fluoridation. He said:

... authorities in Australia, USA, the World Health Organisation and elsewhere are engaged in inaccuracies which I can explain only as probable face-saving reactions, conscious or unconscious, of a sort quite common in orthodox professions and bureaucracies.

The evidence that the NHMRC, the ADA, the AMA and many politicians would rather the public did not know is contained in my 177-page dissenting report. It was not my work; I simply compiled the evidence from eminent scientists all over the world. This report contains the names of more than 1,000 doctors, dentists, scientists, researchers and others who are opposed to fluoridation. It also contains the names of 11 Nobel Prize winners who show their concerns about the health dangers of fluoridation. Those Nobel Prize winners were not in the field of humanities; it was medicine and chemistry.

When we look at compulsion we see that artificial water fluoridation is compulsory mass drugging with an extremely toxic chemical. This is undemocratic and violates the individual's freedom of choice in medical treatment and the right to care for one's own body and one's family's bodies.

Debate interrupted.


MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! It being 9.30 pm, I propose the question:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Mr Berry: I require the question to be put forthwith without debate.

Question resolved in the negative.

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