Page 2706 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 August 1991

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MR STEVENSON (9.18): Fluoridation is the compulsory drugging of entire communities by the state. It is one of the medical and political frauds of the century. The World Health Organisation's International Agency for Research on Cancer stated:

The major uses of sodium silicofluoride have been reported to be ... as an insecticide, fungicide, bactericide and rodenticide ... Sodium silicofluoride is widely used as a fluoridating agent for municipal drinking-water ...

The current president of the ACT division of the Australian Dental Association, Dr Carmelo Bonanno, said in October 1989 that the fluoride that is used as a rat poison is different from the chemical used for fluoridation. Is that true? Certainly not. But it is one of the many false claims commonly used to mislead the public, by those who promote artificial fluoridation.

What is the truth? How long has this truth been known? In 1957, Dr Ludwik Gross, renowned cancer research scientist, said:

Fluorides are violent poisons to all living tissue because of their precipitation of calcium. They cause fall of blood pressure, respiratory failure, and general paralysis. Continuous ingestion of non-fatal doses causes permanent inhibition of growth.

At the same time, in the United States the director of the Cambridge Medical Centre said:

Artificial, or inorganic, sodium fluoride is a highly toxic, protoplasmic poison, 15 times stronger than arsenic.

The dangers of artificial fluoridation are well known in Europe. As a result of these health and also legal concerns, most countries there have rejected artificial fluoridation.

Proponents of artificial fluoridation would seem to believe that one milligram of fluoride taken daily, either in tablet form or ingested in one litre of fluoridated water, enters the body, circulates in the bloodstream and somehow finds its way to the teeth. They ignore any evidence that fluoride can have a cumulatively adverse effect on bones and that it can and does accumulate in the heart, the brain, kidneys, parathyroid gland, and other cells and tissues of the body. Alternatively, they would seem to accept without question, as most dentists do, that, on swallowing a glass of artificially fluoridated water, the fluoride magically detaches itself from the water, does not enter the stomach or pass into the bloodstream, but remains in the mouth of the person and busies itself solely with hardening the enamel of the teeth. This is not science; it is dangerous nonsense.

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