Page 2651 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 August 1991

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they talk so much about. We spent a great deal of time consulting. The former Attorney-General spent a great deal of time consulting on this issue with community groups of all kinds, and we will see whether this Government can really live up to its claim, which I think is very often spurious, that it engages in community consultation on these issues. The fact is that it is a good legislative program. It ought to be; it was put together by the Alliance Government.

MR COLLAERY (3.23): I endorse the comments made by Mr Kaine. In order not to detain the house, I will not repeat them. I remind the house of the legislation program tabled by the Alliance Government on 2 May 1991. I have a copy of that, and I will seek leave to table it. Members can compare it. There are some oddities and other matters. I am pleased to see that the Public Corruption Bill remains; but, of course, it has been relegated by the Labor Government to second priority, whereas the Bill was due to be introduced on 30 May, the day after I was dismissed.

I do not see the ACT Boxing Control Bill there, and I draw to the attention of the Minister for Sport the need for him to consult the Sports Office and pay close attention to the absence of adequate medical supervision and adequate sin-bin-type controls over boxing in the Territory. It raises another important question for the people in the Territory as to whether they want to continue to support boxing at all as a sport; but I do not see that Bill, on a quick glance over the program. That may seem a small issue; but lives are at stake in that sport and there has been community pressure, particularly from the medical profession, for the Government to look at that matter.

Another interesting omission, which I merely note without saying anything further, is the Superannuation (Legislative Assembly Members) Bill. I do not see that there. Members may correct me. I note also that the Government has altered the title of the discrimination legislation to "Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Bill". I do not object to that, but I call upon the Government and the Attorney to get that Bill up immediately. I see that legislation on age discrimination will, as our Government intended, be brought in at a later date in a separate Bill, due to the complexities of the matter and the fact that the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General is looking at the complications of age discrimination law and superannuation funds, which have been predicated for many years on men and women having different contributions and different retirement ages.

I am pleased to see that the Government is bringing in, no doubt at Mr Berry's request, the amendment to the Motor Traffic Act to provide for wheel spinning. Of course, we saw one of the greatest wheel spinning efforts ever in

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