Page 2641 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 August 1991

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Mr Kaine: Where is the million dollars?

MR BERRY: The million dollars was outstanding from the former Government. Of course, we moved quickly to accelerate those negotiations with a view to securing - - -

Mr Kaine: And they took their money back.

MR BERRY: The former Chief Minister, who had carriage of these matters, ought to giggle, because he is the one who is responsible for this. In real terms, there was a million dollars there that you failed to secure because of the vacillation of your sports Minister. You did the right thing when you sacked him, but you did it too late.

Mr Collaery: But I still left the million dollars behind. What did you do with it?

MR BERRY: That is right; you left it behind all right. You confused everybody. We were left with the situation where the negotiations had to be clinched within a short period of time. There was a deadline some time in July; I do not recall the exact date.

Mr Collaery: How about 7 July?

MR BERRY: That sounds about right. Of course, at that time the difficulties with the Raiders' management were emerging, and the New South Wales Rugby League became a little nervous about the handing over of the million dollars, because the program was that the money would go from the trust account to the Raiders and they would pay it to the ACT Government.

The negotiations were not completed by the deadline and, as it got more difficult in the management area of the Raiders, the New South Wales Rugby League decided to take its million dollars back. But I have to say that the New South Wales Rugby League recognises its commitment to the ACT Government for the provision of the Bruce Stadium for rugby league in the ACT and, of course, we will be dealing further with the New South Wales Rugby League with a view to securing either the million dollars or other satisfactory arrangements in relation to the Bruce Stadium.

Mr Jensen: You have to get a lease from Ros Kelly first.

MR BERRY: Mr Jensen interjects, "You have to get a lease from Ros Kelly first". What does he think we are, dills or something? Of course we know that we have to get a lease from - - -

Mr Jensen: Well, have you got it yet?

MR BERRY: Do you think we came down in the last shower, or something?

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