Page 2632 - Week 09 - Thursday, 8 August 1991

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to do, in effect, is put forward their names to the Speaker by 13 August. Notwithstanding that it might become a rather large committee, the quorum requirement will be only three members, so members will be able to take part in the issues that interest them particularly, the issues about which they particularly want to get some information and examine estimates.

Mr Speaker, just in closing, I believe that the Estimates Committee will have the advantage of having Ms Karin Malmberg as its secretary. I think that will ensure that their work will be conducted in an extremely efficient and thorough manner. In finally commending the motion to the Assembly, I would like to say that I wish the Estimates Committee very well in its extremely important work.

MR MOORE (4.20): Mr Speaker, I would just like to make the point that the Estimates Committee, of which I have been a member in the last couple of years, in both years of its existence, is one of the most important committees of this Assembly because it gives the opportunity for the Assembly to burrow into the workings of each of the departments. One of the most positive aspects of the select committee, I believe, is the forthright way in which Ministers of both governments have responded to questions of the Estimates Committee, and the way in which they have made their departments and their departmental officers available to the committee. I think it is a very positive move for public accountability. I welcome this select committee, and I look forward to working on it.

MR JENSEN (4.21): Mr Speaker, very briefly, as the chairman of the two Estimates Committees that have been conducted by this Assembly, I endorse the remarks made by Mr Moore. I am looking forward with interest to participating in that process.

Mr Berry: You did not say thanks for the consultation.

MR JENSEN: I would like to note the fact that there was consultation between the Government and the Rally on this issue, and that is quite appropriate, I would suggest.

Question resolved in the affirmative.


Motion (by Mr Berry) agreed to:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Assembly adjourned at 4.22 pm until Tuesday, 13 August 1991, at 2.30 pm

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