Page 2628 - Week 09 - Thursday, 8 August 1991

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MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: We need that motion in writing, do we not, Mr Clerk?

Mr Kaine: He is moving the suspension of standing orders. The answer is no.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Carry on, Mr Stevenson. You have five minutes.

Mr Kaine: The answer is no.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, he has moved suspension of standing orders.

Mr Kaine: He is seeking leave to suspend standing orders.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, he is moving suspension. He is moving straight into it.

Mr Kaine: "I am seeking leave", Mr Deputy Speaker.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: What are you seeking leave to do?

Mr Kaine: He said that he was seeking leave to suspend standing orders.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, he said that he was moving that so much of standing orders be suspended as would prevent him from moving a motion. So, he is not seeking leave.

Mr Kaine: If he is going to waste our time, the end result will be the same.

MR STEVENSON: As I mentioned, I had no intention whatsoever of wasting the members' time, which is why I said that I was happy to have the matter put immediately.

Motion (by Mr Kaine) proposed:

That the question be now put.

Mr Collaery: Mr Deputy Speaker, do we have to have a vote? I raise a point of clarification.


Mr Collaery: Do standing orders require a vote on it?

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: They do, to suspend standing orders, Mr Collaery.

Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker: I understood that we should be voting on the motion by Mr Kaine that the question be put.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: The motion is to suspend standing orders.

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