Page 2547 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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The Government believes that the intention of the committee to leave an historical record at the site can be met while still leaving the sites in a stable condition where they pose a minimal risk to visitors and require a minimal amount of recurrent funds to maintain.

The Government believes that the buildings should be demolished to floor level after a full documentation of the sites is complete. The sites should then be made available for public access, with information provided to explain the roles of the facilities in the exploration of space.

The cost of demolishing the tracking stations is estimated at $213,000. It is possible that this may be reduced if materials can be salvaged during demolition. Full implementation of the recommendations of the committee's report could cost $224,000 and there would be substantial recurrent costs in reversing the deterioration that has already occurred. The buildings are subject to continual vandalism and would require continuing expenditure to maintain them in safe condition.

The committee recommended that the Commonwealth Government be asked to fund the cost of the demolition. The Government agrees in part with this recommendation and will seek half the funds required for the demolition works.

In conclusion, the Government supports the majority of the recommendations made by the committee. It is important to record for the future the role that the facilities played in the exploration of space. Equally, it is clear that the presence of these comparatively modern, abandoned and vandalised buildings in the very attractive and rugged natural areas of Namadgi circumscribes future management and detracts from the visual amenity of the areas. Given the advice that it is not possible to retain the structures, the Government has decided that the demolition should proceed as soon as possible, without further reference to the standing committee but with full consultation with the ACT Heritage Committee.

I thank the committee for the excellent work they have done in this inquiry. They gave it their full attention and came up with proposals that I believe are substantially agreed. I am confident that they will accept the Government's response.

Mr Duby: Has the Government's response been circulated to members, Mr Speaker?

MR SPEAKER: Not that I am aware of, Mr Duby.

Debate (on motion by Mr Duby) adjourned.

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