Page 2543 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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The report of the Standing Committee on Social Policy and the NHMRC reports are substantially the same inasmuch as they both recommend the continued fluoridation of drinking water. They differ in the recommended level of fluoride addition, the standing committee recommending 0.5 parts per million, while the NHMRC report recommends continuation at the present one part per million, subject to modulation in accordance with climatic variation. A third report, "Review of Fluoride - Benefits and Risks", produced by the United States Department of Health and Human Services in 1991, recommended a range of 0.7 to 1.2 parts per million.

The Government is opting to retain the present level of one part per million, equivalent to one milligram per litre, as expressed in the Bill, on the basis that the NHMRC recommendation was developed in a scientific study that is Australian based and takes into consideration conditions that are current to Australia generally, and that it is supported by a similar national scientific study in the United States which, although less specific in level recommendations, endorses a range of approved levels within which the NHMRC recommended level is midway.

The Government also has noted the two further recommendations of the standing committee's report that unfluoridated toothpaste should be readily available at prices comparable with fluoridated toothpaste, and that manufacturers should cease practices that make fluoridated toothpaste unduly enticing and palatable to children by the addition of colourings and flavourings.

It would be impractical, without all States and the Northern Territory passing similar legislation, for the ACT Government to legislate in this regard. However, Mr Speaker, the Government will certainly be making appropriate representations to toothpaste manufacturers to ensure that the standing committee's recommendations are made known. The Government also will encourage other health departments in Australia to do the same and in this regard will be raising the matter at the appropriate Federal and State council level.

The NHMRC recommendations go considerably further inasmuch as the report lists a number of educational initiatives directed at both children and adults to reduce the likelihood of excessive fluoride ingestion. Also, it is recommended that campaigns be conducted on the discretionary use of fluoride supplements other than toothpaste where a fluoridated water supply exists, and to ensure that consumption does not exceed recommended NHMRC levels in unfluoridated areas by the use of tablets and drops.

Within the limited resources of the ACT public health system, ACT Board of Health dentists and dental therapists will be encouraged to follow these recommendations, and the Government also will encourage private practice dentists to do the same.

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