Page 2540 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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Hughes, section 30, block 2 (part) and section 28, block 4 (part), dated 23 May 1991.

Kingston, section 24, block 4 and section 26, block 51, dated 23 May 1991.

Pearce, section 30, blocks 9, 10 (part), 11 and 12, dated 23 May 1991.

Pearce, section 49, block 10 (part), dated 23 May 1991.

Notice of revocation, dated 7 August 1991.

I seek leave to make a short statement.

Leave granted.

MR WOOD: Mr Speaker, these variations were approved by the Alliance Government in May 1991, before it lost office. I will go through them in brief detail.

The variation to Ainslie, section 26 block 1 (part) and block 2, will permit the extension of the Ainslie Football Club and provide parking to serve both the club and the adjacent oval which is used by the ACT Rugby Union. The variation to Hughes, section 30 block 2 (part) and section 28 block 4 (part), involves an exchange of land with the Presbyterian Church and will enable the church to build a 60-bed aged persons hostel in association with some aged persons units which are already under construction. The variation to the Kingston Group Centre sets parameters for the future development of the Kingston Group Centre; that is the shopping area generally.

The variation to Pearce, section 49 block 10 (part), will enable a small area of land to be added to the Marist College to enable the college to provide an additional playing field and also some more parking. The variation to Pearce, section 30 blocks 9, 10 (part), 11 and 12, will enable the Anglican Church to build some aged persons units on land surrounding St George's Church. The variation to Hackett, section 18 blocks 4 and 5, will allow redevelopment of these sites, which are adjacent to the Hackett shops, for medium density housing. They are the variations that have been tabled.

Prior to being defeated in the Assembly, the Alliance Government also approved a further eight variations to the Territory Plan which this Government does not support. The previous decision to approve the variations has now been revoked - this morning, I might say - by this Government. The revoked variations follow. They include variations to the Territory Plan for five primary school sites - Cook, North Curtin, Hackett, Lyons and Holder. As members would know, two of these schools, at Cook and Lyons, have been reopened by this Government, and the future of the other three will be determined following consultation with local communities. The variation to Watson, section 13 block 1 (part), affects part of the site of the former Watson High School. The Government considers that the existing policy of community facility should be retained, pending further consultation with the community.

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