Page 2537 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 7 August 1991

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The links and subsidiaries were established following an examination of the manner in which two individual groups transferred cash and securities.

The system was basically that if one group wished to transfer an asset it did so with the use of a transfer facility known as the nominee group surrounded by "The Carnarvon Group".

For a percentage fee the security, cash or whatever, can be held in trust, or passed downwards through the other series of interlocking companies, to emerge by way of dividend or repayment of loan; laundered and apparently in no way connected with the point of origin.

Mr Speaker, the network of companies involved in this well-established, organised crime group and groups throughout Australia is horrendous. They involve literally hundreds and hundreds of companies, untold hundreds of millions of dollars and every criminal activity that you could imagine. X-rated videos are but one. Fraud of a vast nature is also involved; also prostitution, gambling, tax evasion and other matters.

Mr Speaker, there is someone involved in the police force in the ACT who presented to the media information that was absolutely misleading in this matter. I believe that material was presented in an attempt to play down the involvement of organised crime in the X-rated video industry in Canberra. I will name that policeman to police authorities as soon as I meet with them.

Mr Moore: You have now tainted the whole police force.

MR STEVENSON: It is one man within the police force. I have no intention of tainting the entire police force any more than I would taint the entire political area. However, since 1983 the Costigan Royal Commission named names. It showed who was doing it, how it was being done and where it was being done. I have also shown some of the people in the establishment who have been involved in protecting and working for these people. The question that I raised in both my statements in this house is: Why has nothing been done about the major group? There are many people in gaol, but the major group continues unabated.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Stevenson, your time has expired. Mr Stevenson, during your speech I was rather alarmed at what I see as a reflection on the Chair with regard to the matter of privilege and precedence thereof. I would just like you to clarify your point.

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